Yes, it’s Thanksgiving 2021. I hope this finds you and your family healthy and well. Here at the remote outpost along Wisconsin’s northern border, we are all healthy and well, and looking forward to the upcoming Christmas season.
Things I’m thankful for?
My good health
A wonderful lady with whom we’ve been together for 27 years.
A family spread across the U.S. that we don’t see often enough.
Grandchildren that provide joy, laughter, and interesting questions.
Friends across social media and the metaverse that I may or may not ever meet in person
Friends with whom I can have engaging conversations without either of us being offended.
Friends that I work with in real life and across social media and the metaverse.
Thankful that there continue to be pockets of free speech and expression.
Thankful that Alice’s Restaurant still holds a place in Thanksgiving for some.
Thankful that I survived the WKRP Thanksgiving Turkey Giveaway of November 1978.
Happy Thanksgiving to one and all.