The more those on the Democratic left continue to rail against the social media chant, it continues to gain traction and simply won’t go away. And now for something completely different…
Gun dealers selling AR-15 parts with ‘Let’s go Brandon’ and ‘F–k Joe Biden’
And then a bastion of journalistic integrity MSNBC decides to jump into the pool with -
NBC Reporter Contacts Secret Service Over Offensive “Let’s Go Brandon” Printed On AR-15
A few questions arise from this story. Are those who are offended actively seeking out stories with this subject matter to fuel their offendedness? How much time was spent by those offended in their search? Is there a network of offended types that share this type of story with others who will also likely be as offended as the individual who is sharing the story?
Another question is how likely are the individuals who are offended going to be found loitering around or participating in activities and events where these AR-15 parts are on display or being used? It would seem to be as likely as the percentage chance of a healthy 5-11-year-old child contracting - (insert the pandemic du jour).
The Democratic left and the institutional media haven’t learned a thing. The more you call attention to a perceived butt hurt or cry out, “I’m offended,” the more the issue is going to maintain its presence and even grow.
While the meme and chant, both family-friendly and the R-rated, will continue to remain as a part of the current administration’s legacy until the next gaff comes along. And we shouldn’t have to wait for too long for that.