Have you been paying attention? You and I reside in a country that rumoredly
elected Joe Biden as President of the United States. How therefore do you expect me to trust a jury, seven hours south of me in Kenosha, Wisconsin?
Given the above photo, how are we to trust anything said or done by the prosecutor in the Kyle Rittenhouse case?
In case you’ve forgotten there is still a supply chain crisis.
According to the White House, “The progress over the last couple weeks means that a goods movement system that has been working in overtime is also starting to function more efficiently, making it easier to get goods from ship to shelf to your front door, as well as help exporters get their goods to market.”
While noting the article from Forbes and statements from the White House, there is no solid evidence of their assertions. Biden visited the port of Baltimore last week and spoke to what his administration has done to get the supply chain of goods moving again.
Biden said the nation took “a monumental step forward” with passage of his infrastructure package. He cited the investment in passenger rail service, roads and bridges and the $17 billion in investment in ports.
“We’re going to reduce congestion,” he said, and claimed that ports across the country “will have the resources they need to make these kinds of immediate investments.”
Biden mentioned that he spoke yesterday with the CEOs of major retailers Walmart and Target and with freight carriers FedEx and UPS. “They assured me that the shelves will be stocked at stores this holiday.”
There is solid visual evidence of a backlog of containers sitting in port facilities as well as container ships at anchor in harbors. Joe, can you please explain and expand on just how the investment in passenger rail service is beneficial to alleviate the current issue?
While attempting to put a brave face on the situation and paint a rosy picture going forward, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg is singing a completely different tune.
Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg told Yahoo Finance Live supply chain bottlenecks at the country's major ports will likely persist for the foreseeable future.
"We are definitely seeing some immediate impacts of the immediate steps that we have taken, but the honest answer I can give you, as long as the pandemic continues, there will be disruptions," Buttigieg explained.
Department of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said Sunday that America’s supply chain disruptions are expected to continue into next year, claiming the bottleneck has been spurred, in part, by an unprecedented amount of demand brought on by President Biden’s economic recovery.
Does the economic recovery include current inflation at 6.2%, the highest in 30 years? Inquiring minds across the country want to know.
And as the leftist democrats are want to do, let’s deflect from the issue at hand and dredge up some of our favorite talking points.
“There are a lot of things contributing to this, one of them is child care of course, which is why the president’s Build Back Better vision is gonna be good for the labor market,” he explained, before also arguing that they need to be “better jobs.”
Brzezinski countered that benefits and pay are higher than ever, and noted that “before COVID, before Biden, there was a problem with child care, and people still went to work.”
Bravo Mika for her on-point response. She continued -
Brzezinski replied, “I still don’t understand, I mean, if you’re telling me that Build Back Better will bring people back to work because of much-needed and long-needed issues like child care and pre-K, that still doesn’t explain why people aren’t coming to work today.”
The continued drumbeat of the leftist democrats, that the only solution for all the world’s ills is, more and more government is tiresome and disingenuous. Here in the United States, where are the 240 million individuals who didn’t vote for Biden? Why aren’t they rising up with pitchforks and torches and demanding immediate change?