History. Is it taught in our schools anymore? Have we currently learned anything from our collective history?
As I wrote about yesterday the current trend to attempt to completely overhaul the American election system is filled with abundant shibboleths devoid of any substance. The democrats and their minions on the left have failed to look to history.
Back in September of 2005 former President Jimmy Carter and former Secretary of State James Baker, produced a bipartisan Commission on Federal Election Reform, known as the Carter-Baker Commission. Recent history to be sure and was it not for societies collective attention deficit disorder, possibly the 2020 election pandemonium might have been avoided.,
Overall the commission report cited 87 recommendations. Highlights are -
1) Increase voter ID requirements.
2) Be leery of mail-in and absentee voting risks and halt ballot harvesting.
3) Avoid duplicate registration across state lines and maintain voter lists.
4) Allow election observers to monitor ballot processing for integrity.
5) Use reliable voting machines and be sure they are working properly.
6) Stop the media from calling elections.
It is certainly not surprising that the recommendations have gone unheeded. Now four presidential elections later, the issues that are raised in the report are at the forefront of the recent 2020 Presidential election.
For those who dismiss the possibility of fraud in elections, the Carter-Baker Commission referenced fraud 89 times in their 113-page report. All the way back to 2005, now 16 years ago, the commission was aware of fraud or the potential of fraud in our national elections.
History be it recent or otherwise needs to be in our minds and within our collective grasp so as not to fail and repeat a historic mistake again.