The article title references two important documents that have come to the forefront again with the now two-year-old pandemic. You might have heard someone reference them and most likely not given the general suppression of information and news in our current environment.
WMA Declaration of Helsinki – Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects – WMA – The World Medical Association
The Nuremberg Code
The above-noted links are a total of 13 pages, so a quick read. Why are these two documents critically important at this time? For the past two years, we have been fed the line that only the government experts are all knowledgable in things regarding the pandemic and we should trust them. We have also been inundated daily with health experts and their one size fits all solutions to the pandemic.
The move away from what I, and I imagine many grew up with, having a family doctor has now nothing more than a distant and maybe fond memory. Now, from governmental health experts to our mostly institutional medical machination, many are being herded like just so many sheep. Now I’ll state that this is not a blanket statement of all current medical personnel and practices. I’ve had recent medical procedures with caring and wonderful individuals, who I felt had my best interests at heart.
My concern lies with the continued regurgitation of
Practice Social Distancing
Wear a Mask when appropriate
Wash your hands frequently with soap and water
Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze
Stay home from work if you are sick
The last three points are simply common sense items that anyone ought to have been practicing pandemics or not. According to medical and science professionals, I’ve listened to, the first two points are of problematic nature now two years later.
It currently appears that the courts and the states are coming to their senses and pushing back against any mandates as they relate to the pandemic. Finally, the legal community as well as the court of public opinion are beginning to find their backbone and emphatically state that enough is enough.
Given that all of the current numbers of vaccines are under emergency use authorization makes the Declaration of Helsinki and the Nuremberg Code is critical to understand in this day and age.