Civility and Respect.
Definition of civility
1a: civilized conduct especially: COURTESY, POLITENESS bemoaned the decline of civility in our politics
b: a polite act or expression lacked the little civilities and hypocrisies of political society— Roy Jenkins The men briefly exchanged civilities before the meeting began.
Definition of respect
1a: to consider worthy of high regard: ESTEEM
b: to refrain from interfering with please respect their privacy
2: to have reference to CONCERN
It appears that we as a nation, a people and society have lost track of both civility and respect in our daily lives and interactions with one another. The definitions above are from the online Merriam-Webster dictionary.
The public political discourse from both our elected representatives and the public, in general, has deteriorated. The political discourse in the country has devolved to little more than schoolyard taunts and the calling of names of those on the other side.
The multitude of political opinions appears to do little more than catcall and taunt their disapproval of each others ideas and rhetoric. All sides engage in attacks and criticism while failing to put forth and offer an alternative solution to any of the issues.
This conundrum has also reared its ugly head in the hospitality industry. Hospitality professionals have clearly stated policies and procedures for their guest’s behavior and comportment for their stay at a property.
However, guests while being advised of said policies and procedures, in a small percentage of cases, consider that the policies and procedures are for the rest of the public and have no bearing on them.
Much to the consternation of other guests at a property, those who flaunt their disrespect for public decorum are a burden on the public at large. Their unawareness of anyone but themselves begins to cause the downturn of what has historically been our civil and respectful society.
Be kind, don't judge, and have respect for others. If we can all do this, the world would be a better place. The point is to teach this to the next generation.
Jasmine Guinness